Joining forces for geothermal energy: French-German Joint Venture Foragelec
28. November 2014
Cooperation of HAS with the French company Fonroche Géothermie and Herrenknecht Vertical – Press conference in Strasbourg
The German-French consortium has the aim of drilling several deep geothermal wells in France in the upcoming years. For this goal, the know-how and years of experience of the partners are pooled and put into practice for an initial deep drilling close to Strasbourg already in 2015.
On Wednesday last week, 19.11.14, Fonroche Géothermie informed the present representatives of press and politics about the plans and goals of this young cooperation. 4 geothermal power plants are supposed to be built around Strasbourg until 2024. Those plants would be able to cover nearly 80% of the heating demand in the area of Strasbourg.
“Geothermal energy is a long term commitment for the industry and for European citizens. In 2050, Europeans will be living with geothermal plants around them as usual equipment with no fear. We have in front of this future an obligation of success with absolute commitment to environment protection and social acceptance” Jean-Philippe Soulé, Managing Director Fonroche Géothermie.
The expertise of HAS, derived from our 150 years of tradition and over 30 years of experience in drilling deep geothermal wells, can thus be joined once more with the knowhow of Herrenknecht’s 50 years of experience in tunnelling and the deep drilling sector. Together with our new cooperation partner Fonroche, a joint venture is created which will make the renewable geothermal energy available in an environmentally friendly and safe manner.