Archive for categoryNews
We focus on ecological sustainability when choosing our technology
28. December 2020
Anger focuses on ecological sustainability - high efficiency thanks to new regeneration equipment We present our new MKG telescopic crane HMK 350T a2. Our first regeneration device, which is equipped with an electrical unit and thus enables us to work with low emissions. The crane has a maximum reach of 16m. The maximum load capacity […]
Fleet extension at Anger
23. April 2018
With the Volvo FH 500 tractor (6 × 2) Anger has gained a strong and versatile growth in the Furpark. The 500 hp Euro 5 engine has a 12-speed automatic transmission. The cab offers overnight accommodation for up to two people. At the end of the loading platform, the truck is equipped with a PK […]
Successful drilling for geothermal energy in Munich Freiham
1. October 2015
H. Anger’s Söhne drilling geothermal doublet for Stadtwerke München. End of September 2015 H. Anger’s Söhne launched a geothermal project together with the Stadtwerke München in Freiham in the west of Munich. At a depth of more than 2.300 meters a huge hot water resource has been located which already as from 2016 is scheduled […]
New Certificates ISO 9001 and SCC(P)
25. February 2015
DIN EN ISO 9001, SCC, DVGW W 120 … The regulatory requirements and expectations of the client on the qualification of their contractors continue to rise in the drilling industry unstoppable. For this reason H. Anger’s Söhne Bohr- und Brunnenbaugesellschaft mbH introduced an integrated management system in cooperation with the engineering company Hahn. See also […]
Joining forces for geothermal energy: French-German Joint Venture Foragelec
28. November 2014
Cooperation of HAS with the French company Fonroche Géothermie and Herrenknecht Vertical – Press conference in Strasbourg The German-French consortium has the aim of drilling several deep geothermal wells in France in the upcoming years. For this goal, the know-how and years of experience of the partners are pooled and put into practice for an […]
Scientific Research Well Or The Leaning Tower of Bad Frankenhausen
28. November 2014
H Anger’s Söhne (HAS) is drilling a scientific research well for the geophysical exploration of the underground On behalf of the state institute for environment and geology of Thuringia (TLUG: Thüringer Landesanstalt für Umwelt und Geologie), in collaboration with the Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics (LIAG), HAS is drilling a well at Bad Frankenhausen, Thuringia. […]
Successful drilling of thermal well in Weißenstadt
22. May 2014
HAS has drilled Germany’s deepest well in granite subsoil It took HAS only 62 days (actual drilling time) to drill the thermal well close to the lake „Weißenstädter See“ in the eastern part of Germany. The fact that the well could be completed so fast is an especially great success because this well was drilled […]
150 years H. Anger’s Söhne: a successful event
27. September 2013
H Anger’s Söhne celebrated their special anniversary with clients and employees at the headquarters in Hessisch Lichtenau, Germany, for two days in September 2013. The Company, H Anger’s Söhne, was founded in 1863. Since 1952 it has its head office in Hessisch Lichtenau, close to Kassel, Germany. This anniversary was a great opportunity to celebrate […]
Contract for a scientific research well near Erfurt, Germany
17. June 2013
By order of the University of Jena (Germany), H Anger’s Söhne is currently drilling the research well INFLUINS (“Integrierte Fluiddynamik im Sedimentbecken”, ie Integrated Dynamics of Fluids in Sediment Reservoirs). INFLUINS is an extensive, interdisciplinary research project of the University of Jena, with more than 50 scientists involved, that examines the movement of fluids and gases […]
Geothermal project Traunreut – Wells with over 5000 m of depth
12. March 2013
HAS successfully completed its deepest well so far of over 5.400 m: a geothermal project in Traunreut, Bavaria, last year. The client, the Geothermische Kraftwerksgesellschaft (GKT) [geothermal power station company] in Traunreut, set the goal to drill a geothermal doublet (one injection and one production well). HAS managed to drill these two wells in the […]
Horizontal collector wells
20. December 2012
In 2012, H Anger’s Söhne entered into a new business field by adding the innovative technology of horizontal collector wells to its portfolio. For more than a year now, horizontal collector wells make up a new branch of the range of services and activities offered by HAS. Anger’s drilling machine, specially designed for this purpose, […]