Wells and Water
Wells up to 1000 m
Drilling rig for depths up to 2200 m
HAS B4 is a robust and automotive drilling rig and the largest one in Anger’s well drilling fleet. Due to additional units this rig can be used for a variety of tasks. Anger’s employs this rig for several drilling techniques such as flush drilling, air-lift procedures and core drilling.
Drilling rig for depths up to 1700 m
H Anger’s Söhne has several drilling rigs of this type at its disposal. These HAS DBA 4s are very powerful drilling rigs that can be used very flexibly, thanks to different modules in their inventories. A truck with service crane (helping hand) facilitates the run-in of pipes and, thus, makes it possible to insert great lengths of drill pipes.
HAS UH 4/45
Drilling rig for depths up to 1200 m
The UH 4/ 45s are the newest drilling rigs of our company. They are state-of-the-art technology. Being very powerful and modularly expandable, these rigs can be used for various drilling tasks, for which they can be complemented by compressors and mud pumps.
Drilling rig for depths up to 500 m
The HAS UH2 ranges among the most modern drilling rigs, which uses state-of-the-art technology in order to fulfil various tasks. Due to its compactness this rig is can be used in a very flexible and space-saving manner. Depending on the respective scope of tasks, it can be expanded by compressors and mud pumps.
HAS SB 5 15K
Bohrgerät bis 500 m Teufe
Schlagbohrgeräte sind beinah schon zu einer Rarität geworden, die vom Hause Anger als einer der wenigen Firmen noch eingesetzt werden. Die Technik geht auf sehr alte Vorlagen zurück, man könnte hier vom „ursprünglichen Bohren“ sprechen, wie es schon Heinrich Anger im Jahre 1863 anwendete.
Horizontal drilling machine with a range of approx. 80 m
By adding this modern horizontal drilling machine to its fleet, Anger’s has adopted a pioneering role and has opened a door to a completely new field of tasks. This machine stands out due to technological innovations as well as innovations relevant for the occupational safety of the staff working on it.
HAS Regeneration unit
Vehicle for well regeneration works
Anger’s space-saving regeneration unit with compact derrick enables HAS to carry out regeneration works of high quality even in case the wells are difficult to access (e.g. when something is built over or around the well).
HAS High-pressure unit
Vehicle for well regeneration works
This modern, specially designed high-pressure well-cleaning unit enables Anger’s to work within the well using a closed system. Since the unit is set up on a truck suitable for off-road driving, HAS is able to reach clients’ wells even if the site conditions are difficult.
HAS Camera-Vehicle
Vehicle for well regeneration works
One of the most important aspects of regeneration or refurbishment of wells is the detection of well deterioration at the earliest stage possible. For this purpose, HAS makes use of this specially equipped camera vehicle to carry out TV-inspections, for example.
HAS Service unit
Vehicle for well regeneration works
This is our service unit with assembly-hoist for the construction and refurbishment of wells.